For exhibitors

Why participate in the EUCAS 2021 virtual exhibition?

  • Get new contacts and increase sales
  • Meet and work with your current customers and partners
  • Show your product here & now, don’t wait for state borders to be open
  • Show your presence in the market
  • Widen your geography: you will meet visitors even from far-away regions
  • Work with foreign attendess despite the closed borders
  • Attract the attention of the superconductivity & cryogenics audience to your company products
  • Participate in the exhibition at the announced dates and do not miss the sales season
  • Get detailed analytics about your visits
  • Minimal logistics and affordable participation price

How to get started with the virtual exhibition?

  • Log in exhibibitor's account using login and password
  • Upload on the stand: information about the company and product; visual materials, presentations to download, prices, offers etc; information about the team working at the stand during the exhibition; contact information and links to the website;
  • Send an invitation link to colleagues who will work at the virtual exhibition
  • Send an invitation link to partners and customers at the conference platform to ask them visit the stand
  • 1 week before the exhibition receives requests for B2B Matchmaking and makes schedule of appointments

Instructions for the exhibitor:

Login to the participant's personal account
Adding a presentation and a video clip
Function matchmaking
Access to the page for your representatives
Communication channels with visitors
Filling in user's personal profile page information
Uploading electronic materials
Getting reports with the event results